"That's who you were telling me about before?"
"Duh! Way to go, Randi!" Paula said, like I was supposed to know.
"It wasn't like anything happened! We bumped into each other, chatted I guess, he picked up my purse, and we walked in here...simple."
"Oh, sure...so simple!" She turned back around to hugging up on Max...typical her.
I went through the "bathroom incident" in my head again, wrapping my mind around what had just taken place. He seemed to be under such a spotlight, where his every move was viewed and penalized. Off of those 1 or 2 minutes we spent with each other, he seemed to be a guy that would make any girl happy. Everything from his brown curly locks, his plump lips, and even his butt (yes, I got a view of that!) and his gentleman acts might be too good to be true. I am not one to judge beforehand, but he could be a total jerk for all I know.
While eating our main course, I tapped Tyler's shoulder. "What's the deal with this Sidney dude?"
"Well, what do you wanna know?" he replied.
"What should I know?"
"I don't think I could tell you anything other than he's single. If you want to get to know him, ask him yourself. I know you're not a chicken, Randi." But in this case, I was. I went back to eating my Mango Salsa Chicken and went back and forth in my mind all the different scenarios of what would happen if I went over to his table and got to know him a little better.
The waiters and waitresses came to collect our plates, and I stayed in my seat. They passed out dessert...and I stayed. I was always the bold, go-ahead girl when it came to situations like this. But this time, it was different, and I didn't know why. I felt weird being in this place and couldn't take it any longer. I looked over to my right to find Paula and Max gone...great. Thanks, best friend-just when I need you. Now who's gonna take me home? I looked around the room and searched to find the 2 people I knew...well, more like the 1 person I knew and the 1 person I just had an incident with. I saw Sidney talking to Mario Lemieux, who is also a big deal in this town. So I opted not to bother him. My only other option was Tyler, so I walked around and eventually found him at another table talking to Kris Letang. I tapped his shoulder.
"Paula left me stranded here. Can you take me home?"
"Yeah, sure. Do you wanna go now?"
"Ok. Go sit in my car. I have to say goodbye to everyone." He handed me his keys and I made a quiet exit out into a dark parking lot, all by myself. And then I realized I didn't even know what his car looked like. So I pressed the unlock key until I found it. Luckily, it was in the front row and I didn't have to search that hard. I opened the passenger side of the white Audi Q5 and took off my shoes, propping them up near the windshield. I locked the doors and closed my eyes, drifting off into dreamland. All of a sudden, I hear a knock on my window. I open my eyes and see Tyler staring at me.
"Oh, sorry," I mumble and unlock the doors. He walked around to the driver's side and got in.
"Tired much?"
I chuckled. "Yeah, a bit." But I was lying-I wasn't really tired, I was more confused than anything. And I think he sensed that.
"It doesn't sound just like you're tired. You can tell me anything, yanno." How'd he know?! was all I could think. Well, I have known him for awhile, and I did tell him just about everything before. He is my best friend, just in guy form.
"I think I like him," I suddenly blurted out into complete silence.
"You always did fall hard pretty fast," he replied.
"Shut up!"
"Get to know him! From me hanging out with him, he's really great. Plus, he'll treat you like a princess, more like I'll make him." There's the old TK I know!
I never went for the typical guy every girl wanted. I went for the guys that were more nerdy than anything. I know, weird, right? But those were the only guys my brothers morely accepted. Although my brothers were athletes, they actually did screw around with all of my previous boyfriends, which I expected. At least if I bring home a guy like Sidney, he has more power over all of my brothers combined, which is pretty neat.
"I guess there's always room for change."
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1 year ago
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